1. 生体電気と健康の関係
– 神経系や筋肉の機能障害
– 慢性炎症や痛み
– 疲労や免疫力の低下
2. 負電荷の役割と電子の供給源
– 細胞の電荷バランスを正常に戻す
– 炎症を軽減し、細胞機能を最適化する
– アーシング(地面との接触)
– 自然の水に触れる(湖や海で泳ぐ)
– 抗酸化物質を豊富に含む食品を摂取する
– 日光に適度に当たる
3. 電子を失う原因
1) 現代の生活環境(調べてみると便利な生活の多くが電子を失う要因になっていた)
– 人工物質への接触:プラスチックや化学物質が静電気を帯びやすく、体から電子を奪う可能性がある。
– 電磁波の影響:スマートフォンやWi-Fiルーターなどから発生する電磁波が、体内の電気的バランスを乱すことがあります。(電磁波にあたっていた魚の背骨が曲がっていたというのも関係があるのかな・・)
2) ストレスと不健康な習慣
– 慢性的なストレス:ストレスは体内のホルモンバランスを崩し、細胞の電気的バランスを乱します。
– 偏った食生活:酸化ストレスを引き起こす加工食品や過剰な糖分摂取が電子の損失につながります。
- 電子不足と人体への影響: 電子の不足が人体のバランスを崩し、病気を引き起こす可能性があることが示されています。この状況を改善するために、アーシング(接地)などの習慣的な対策が提案されています
- 酸化ストレスとフリーラジカルの影響: 酸化ストレスにより生成されたフリーラジカルが、他の分子から電子を奪い、病気の原因となる可能性があることが確認されています。 (Eapen, 2020)。
3) 環境要因
– 汚染された空気や水:これらにはフリーラジカルが含まれており、体から電子を奪う可能性があります。
– 極度の運動不足:運動不足は体のエネルギー生成や電子の流れを低下させます。→運動についてはこちら
4. 電子を失わないための対策→こちらも超大事
– 自然との接触を増やす:裸足で地面に立つ、植物に囲まれた環境に身を置くなど、電子を供給する活動を日常に取り入れる。
– ストレスを管理する:瞑想やヨガなど、心身をリラックスさせる習慣を取り入れる。
– 抗酸化食品を摂取する:ビタミンCやE、ポリフェノールが豊富な食品が体内のフリーラジカルを中和します。
– 電磁波対策を行う:スマートフォンや電磁波を発生するデバイスの使用を減らす。
The Human Body as a Biological and Electrical System: Balancing Electrons for Better Health
At first, the idea that the human body functions as a biological and electrical system might seem abstract. However, when you consider that electromyograms (EMG), electrocardiograms (ECG), and brain activity all rely on electrical signals, the concept becomes much clearer.
The balance of bioelectricity plays a crucial role in maintaining health. While incorporating electrons into your body can promote well-being, there are also modern lifestyle and environmental factors that lead to the loss of electrons. In this article, we’ll explore how to gain electrons, the causes of electron loss, and practical tips to maintain a healthy balance.
1. The Relationship Between Bioelectricity and Health
Each cell in the human body carries a small electrical charge, which forms the foundation for intercellular communication and maintaining normal bodily functions. When this balance is disrupted, the following health issues can arise:
– Dysfunction in the nervous and muscular systems
– Chronic inflammation and pain
– Fatigue and reduced immune function
2. The Role of Negative Charge and Sources of Electrons
The extracellular matrix (ECM) and collagen molecules in the body are thought to carry a natural negative charge. This negative charge is essential for maintaining health, and replenishing electrons has the following benefits:
– Restores the electrical balance of cells
– Reduces inflammation and optimizes cellular function
Ways to Replenish Electrons:
– Grounding (Earthing): Physical contact with the Earth, such as walking barefoot.
– Exposure to natural water: Swimming in lakes or oceans.
– Consuming antioxidant-rich foods: Including fruits, vegetables, and nuts in your diet.
– Moderate sun exposure:Gaining natural energy from sunlight.
3. Causes of Electron Loss
Modern lifestyles and environmental factors often contribute to the loss of electrons, negatively impacting health. Here are some common causes:
1) Modern Living Environments
– Exposure to artificial materials:** Plastics and chemicals can accumulate static electricity, potentially drawing electrons away from the body.
– Electromagnetic waves:** Devices such as smartphones and Wi-Fi routers emit electromagnetic waves that may disrupt the body’s electrical balance. (Studies have even shown that fish exposed to electromagnetic fields developed curved spines—could this be related?)
2) Stress and Unhealthy Habits
– Chronic stress:Stress disrupts hormonal balance and can destabilize the body’s electrical system.
– Poor diet:** Consuming processed foods or excessive sugar increases oxidative stress, which leads to electron loss.
Supplementary Notes:
-Electron Deficiency and Health: Lacking electrons can destabilize the body’s balance, potentially leading to disease. Practices like grounding have been proposed to counteract this.
-Oxidative Stress and Free Radicals:** Oxidative stress produces free radicals, which steal electrons from other molecules, potentially causing damage (Eapen, 2020).
3) Environmental Factors
– Polluted air and water:** These often contain free radicals that deplete electrons.
– Lack of physical activity:** Being sedentary reduces energy production and the flow of electrons in the body.
4. Strategies to Prevent Electron Loss
Minimizing electron loss is crucial for maintaining health. Here are some effective strategies:
– Increase contact with nature:Spend time barefoot on natural ground or in green environments to replenish electrons.
– Manage stress: Adopt relaxation practices like meditation or yoga.
– Consume antioxidant-rich foods: Include foods high in vitamin C, vitamin E, and polyphenols to neutralize free radicals.
– Reduce exposure to electromagnetic waves: Limit the use of devices like smartphones and Wi-Fi routers.
Conclusion: The Importance of Maintaining an Electrical Balance for Health
Incorporating electrons into your body helps to restore the balance of bioelectricity and maintain optimal health. At the same time, understanding the factors that cause electron loss and avoiding them is just as important. By taking proactive measures and cultivating a healthy lifestyle, you can achieve better overall well-being.
Even after adopting good habits, I noticed that a single bad habit (like unhealthy eating or excessive anger) could diminish the benefits of my efforts. This “waste not” mindset helped me cut back on negative habits. For example, I used to drink alcohol, but after stopping, I realized how much my body disliked it—likely due to my limited enzyme production. I’ve since given it up entirely. Now my focus is on reducing smartphone usage as much as possible.